Affordable, sustainable, clean water for the world.
Aqua Clara Inc is a subsidiary of Aqua Clara International™ (ACI), a 501(c) 3 non-profit (EIN 37-1518655) headquartered in Holland, Michigan with offices in Managua, Nicaragua and Kisii, Kenya (Aqua Clara Kenya). Aqua Clara’s purpose is to design, develop and disseminate clean water technologies to benefit those who live on less than $2/day. Since its inception in 2007 it has been awarded three US patents and currently has an installed capacity of technologies that generate over three million liters per day in over 30 countries.
ACI’s teams design technologies that are inexpensive to construct and maintain, are sustainable, and operate without electricity or chemicals.
We have long advocated and supported the development of small businesses that can use our filters to serve local communities and provide incomes for the principals, usually small farmers who wish to increase their incomes.
Our main focus is on schools. Studies have consistently showed that children who have access to clean water perform far better in their school work, compared to children who have access to only contaminated water. Our work has also shown that when parents see the effects of clean water on their children that they want to have a water filter in their homes.
Our second patent is for a technology that reduces both bacterial and heavy metals contaminants to at least WHO standards. This process is implemented with both household filters and school/facility filter systems.
Our third patent, the Universal Cartridge Filter, is on the basis of our second patent just described. The development of this new filter was based on the science underpinning this heavy metals/bacterial reduction system.
One of our first heavy metals/bacterial reduction system was installed in the Sierra Gorda mountains in Querétaro, Mexico. The naturally-available water of this mountain village had an arsenic contamination level of 520 ppb. (The commonly accepted safe level is 10 ppb). As soon as our system was operational the arsenic level was brought down to less than 5 ppb.
Proceeds from the sale of the cartridge will all be directed at supporting Aqua Clara initiatives in developing countries. Extensive testing over two years by three certified laboratories confirmed the capability of the cartridge to reduce heavy metals, pesticides, insecticides, and other emerging contaminants.