i Frequently Asked Questions
What is really in my water?
Your water is full of contaminants you cannot taste or see. The combination of materials in our media helps reduce several of these contaminants. It is always good to get your water tested. Here is a good resource for doing so or you can search your zip code on contaminants in your area’s water here.
Does my filter rid of 100% of a contaminant?
No filter will purify 100% of anything in your water. However, they can come close. Preparing your filter by soaking it for 24 hours and keeping it soaked while in use, will help your filter perform its best.
Need a pitcher for your filter?
Start here.
Why is my filter slow?
Our filter is a bit slower than a common Brita™, PUR™ or comparable filter due to the efficiency and longevity of its media. In short, the slower the flow-rate, the better the filtration. However, if your filter slows to where it may not be filtering at all, just remove the cartridge and shake it over your sink. This will loosen up any natural settling of the filter media that might have occurred.
Questions or complaints?
Email info@aquaclara.org.